My Book
Chapter 1
The Time is now
It was on
May 19,1991 a sunny day I woke up not wanting to go to Sunday school, I had
been going to youth group for a few months, before pastor John was pastor
Danny, Youth group at that time was more just fun and games although I do
remember him talking with us after we would play volley ball or do some
other activity on a Friday night. I remember begging my mom after we had
heard about it in youth group to go see the “Power team” and it just
happened that we had passed the tent one Sunday and we stopped that was my
first encounter with Holy Spirit and saying to me something is missing in
your life and family, This Sunday would be a day in my life that would
change me, after pastor Danny left, it was the first time I cried in a long
time, I didn’t understand why he had to go, in between pastor Conti was the
youth leader until we go pastor John, in Sunday school, Rodger who I also
did some construction work for was the teacher. That Sunday he wasn’t there
and Pastor John was teaching it. When class started he had said someone had
gotten hit on NY Avenue, right by the church, I remember him teaching and
asking us to write a list of ten things that were important to us, telling
us to be honest, I had at the time planned to become an architect, get
married have a house and a family, a nice car, God was not on my list at
all. I didn’t notice till Pastor John, read his list God was first, but no
one needed to hear him say that we could see it. After Sunday school we
walked across the street to go to the main service, I remember sitting with
Grandma in the second to last pew on the right side, I remember also that
pastor said that Mr. Wicks had passed away that Saturday, the week before I
was watching him play in the orchestra, death seemed too close to me, during
the sermon I knew pastor was going to give an altar call, all my life I had
gone to church but did not know Jesus, as my Lord. During the altar call, I
heard God, say when are you going to serve me, let me be first in your life,
I had felt the conviction of my sins, I knew if I was to die that minute I
would be lost for eternity, The devil did not want me to move, but as pastor
called to those who wanted to know Jesus, I squeezed out of the isle
overcoming the fear of what people would say, since I had grown up in the
church. I knelt down and prayed and asked Jesus to be lord of my life.
when I got up I was glowing, because I had finally met Jesus, I walked alone
down to the alter I walked back with Jesus.
Chapter 2
August 1991 I went on a Trip to Dayton,
Tennessee with Group Ministries, Even though I grew up less that a block
from a church it wasn’t till 1990 that I met Pastor Bruce the youth pastor
at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. I liked there youth group and went a few
times, when he asked if I wanted to go on a missions trip I said sure, what
we did was to work on houses down in Tennessee, I had brought every tool I
owned just about in three tool boxes, when we got there we were slit up into
different groups, at first it was disappointing, but I grew to love and
admire the people I was working with. The lady who we were working for was
80 her name was Loma Meyers, we scrapped and painted the house and rebuilt
the porch in less that a week, we had fun, saying goodbyes was the hardest,
each day we could put notes to the other teammates in envelopes, and on the
way home, I realized what an impact I did have.
Power Like none
For weeks before
September 21,1991 we had heard and prayed for this revival meeting, I had
remembered pastor Shaffer and the church being so packed that there was no
place to sit. but the church needed a revival, I would walk the streets on
Huntington NY, there was two people I met, one was a group of boys in the
"wrong section of town the bad part," they were throwing rocks at a house, I
had invited them to come to children’s church, the came and years later got
saved. During this meeting many got baptized by Holy Spirit and spoke in
other tongs, as the spirit gave utterance. The last night Holy Spirit
filled me to overflowing. Then he said there was young men in the church
who were called to the ministry a week later I was sitting in church and a
missionary came, and I felt called to the ministry, I went and told pastor
John was I knew and he said he knew, Rob and Dave were called, and going off
to Bible College, and in two years I would be there too.
Other story's to come
The Glory of God falls on
VFCC -1994 Revival
December 22,1991
first sermon
August 1992 Trip to
Detroit MI with AG AIM
August 1993
Went to
Bible College
May 1994
Trip to San Francisco CA
November 1994
Revival in prayer meeting
1995 Trip to Latvia
1996 Trip to New
1997 Trip to
Seattle Wa
Aug – Dec NY
April 19,1999 – Aug
1,1999 Pottstown PA
September 1999
Lackawanna College
October 1999 moved
into own apartment
November 1999
worked at wall-mart at nights
May 19, 2000 Lauren
came to visit
2001 Tony called
wanted me to go to Georgia with him for a meeting
Tony Moved to
2002 Jan 19 2002
met Tania online, recommitted life to Jesus
April 2002 NYC
Dick died when I
was in Peoria, Illinois, bill paid for ticket home,
Grandma Died June
2003 It was so hard for me, but I know she is in a better place, however I
took a long walk, 25 miles and my feet were bleeding, I walked and walked
and talked with God,
September 1,2003
Moved back in with mom, was still working for Carey Construction, lost a lot
of weight,
November 11,2003
Quit Carey Construction went back to work with bill.
2004 - Recommitted my life at a Don Roberson Service at Loren's church
May 2005
- Attended Lords Valley Community Church
2006 - Lord Told me to quit working for bill,
2006 - Anthony Morris found me after years of being out of contact, shared
vision - its exciting
2006 - Person at works wife healed of cancer
Prayers answered quickly